Knock knock

So, here we are, ready for another imminent lockdown. As for now we can all agree that 2020 has been a pretty unique year, but somehow I find it inspiring. The lack of concerts does not only means missing concerts I would like to go, but also losing all those that usually happens when you’re having a drink a in a pub. And, damn, I hated those. So, excluding the radio at work, I’ve been the sole manager of what my ears are listening during the last weeks and that’s a pretty good thing. With more time in my hands I started to go back to a lot of classic records (mainly old death metal) that I somewhat overlooked or simply got chunked in other stuff. I think that I’m growing older, since my taste sticks more to what it used to be than what everything is now. The only exception is hardcore, in which I still find a lot of new bands that I like. There will probably be some more posts in the following days, since winter nights stuck at home are long and dull. Take care.

~ by petetheripper on November 15, 2020.

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